Bamboo Cycle London Faltblatt 1894

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“MOST LUXURIOUS TO RIDE, the Bamboo carrying off the usual unpleasant metallic vibration = == == |; rm = THE À BAMBOO CYCLE CO. + in a most marked degree.’ —CYCLIST. LIMIT ED, LONDON DEPOT (where all Communications should be Addressed)— 59, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. =) |" == Works: WOLVERHAMPTON TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: OUTCLIMB, LONDON. TT || “ Built on the latest lines, and all who have seen them admit the workmanship and design are up to average high standard.”—WHEELER. BAMBOO ¿QUAL THE E g there is nothing to PLEASURE and COMFORT in Cyclin For REAL “As regards the frame few people have an adequate idea of the g peop enormous strength of Bamboo rods when properly fixed, as these are, and the tremendous breaking strain necessary to fracture them."- THE WHEELER. Ars >. AAK No. 1.—ROAD RACER, 28 x 28 Wheels, 24 or 26 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Kims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs Dunlop Tyres Beeston re » 2. — ROAD RACER, 28 x 28 Wheels, 24 or 26 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollows Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil une Hubs, Transparent Gear Case, “ Doolittle’? Automatic Brake, Dunlop Tyres and Gear Case Beeston e 5 5. 5 8.—LIGHT ROADSTER, 28 x 28 Wheels, 22, 24, or 26 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Detachable Brake and Mud Guards Dunlop Tyres Beeston ,, 4.—LIGHT ROADSTER, 28 x 28 Wheels, 22, 24, or 26 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Transparent Gear Case, and ‘ Doolittle” Automatic Brake Dunlop Tyres and Gear Case Beeston „„ » y) » » B—LADYS SAFETY, 26 x 28 Wheels, 20, 22, or 24 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Dunlop Tyres and Gear Case Beeston 5; > „ ” Dover Transparent Gear Case , 6—LADY’S POPULAR SAFETY, 26 x 28 Wheels, 20, 22, or 24 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Dust Proof Bearings, and Chain Cover. Finish and Quality of the Best Beeston Tyres “COMFORT is the strong point of the Bamboo machine, and the vibration pronounced.’— SUNDAY TIMES. 22 Guineas 20 » 27 Guineas 25 e 24 Guineas 22 ZL 28 Guineas 26 n 26 Guineas 24 2 20 Guineas is much less Ts D SIH.L »» S.AVAA I LIMNOAV er ccs YEAR’S FAVOURITE.” THIS “No one would credit, until after actual trial, the Strength and rigidity which the Bamboo Cycles possess, coupled at the same time with a definite amount of increased comfort.” DAILY GRAPHIC. Ve = = seem LIST PRICES OF BAMBOO CYCLES.—Continued. D): Inu I Sr“ No. 7.—SPECIAL LADY’S SAFETY, 26 x 28 Wheels, 20, 22, or 24 inch Frame Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Dover Transparent Gear Case, and ‘ Doolittle’? Automatic Brake Dunlop Tyres and Gear Case 28 Guineas Beeston ,, 7 5 ¢ 26 , 8.—SPECIAL HIGH-FRAME LIGHT ROADSTER, 30 X 30 Wheels, 28 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Detachable Brake and Mud Guards Dunlop Tyres 26 Guineas Beeston _,, 24 , 9.—SPECIAL HIGH-FRAME LIGHT ROADSTER, 30 x 30 Wheels, 28 inch Frame, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, Transparent Gear Case, and ‘ Doolittle ” Automatic I e Dunlop Tyres and Gear Case 30 Guineas Beeston | 28 „40.—-YOUTHS’ MACHINE, 26 x 26 Wheels, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Detachable Brake and Mud Guards. Strong useful Machine Beeston Tyres 15 Guineas , 44.—YOUNG LADY'S MACHINE, 24 x 24 Wheels, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Chain Cover, Detachable Brake and Mud Guards Beeston Tyres 15 Guineas 2 LIGHT ROADSTER TRICYCLE, Lady's or Gentleman’s Pattern, Tangent Spokes, Hollow Rims, Dust Proof Bearings, Barrel Oil retaining Hubs, and Starley Patent Axle, Detachable Brake and Mud Guards Beeston Tyres 33 Guineas Dover’s Transparent Gear Case, when not included in price of machine, £2 extra. TVNOT 07 Juryyou S1 2191] FurpoAg ur LAOAWOD PUR “We find it very comfortable and easy, and is everything that a Cycle should be.’ — THE CYCLE. Tad 104 AANSVYATd *OO0OYW VH OR: 07: F TTY F3 — OU > VD THE THE ‘ BAMBOO” IS THIS YEAR'S FAVOURITE. Section Showing Joints of Bamboo Cycles: You Can't Beat MORE RIGID THAN STEEL. ihe Ù 4 F / N CES Best. This improved and patented method by which the Joints are made, renders them far more reliable than the brazed Joints of Steel Machines. ‘ BAMBOO ” IS A CHAMPION HILL CLIMBER. 404 3719AD ABL L6,

Bamboo Cycle London Faltblatt 1894

Bamboo Cycle London
Gert-Jan Moed
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