Star Bicycles, H.B. Smith Machine Co. (USA) Katalog (Kopie) 1886

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“fr te | 2 BN eo Ne ifs Works and Principal Office at: : SMITH VILLE, BUR. GO, Ne RU cS óntaining a Brief History and Growth of the Machine, and Illustrate~ |" B) jing the American Star, Semi= Racing Slar, Special Star, ; Racing Star and Pony Star Bicycles. CEE ee en — —— MARCH, 1886. = >t 4 ‘ee 4 | 1 | ‘ | Contents, $ Î PAGE Introductory—History and Growth of the Star Bicycle, à 5 2 General Description, i ; 3 Classification of Machines, and Description of C latches: Rin Le 5 5 Records ‘and Meritorious: Performances, À : . 15 | American Star Bicycle, é 5 4 3 : 16 Semi Racing Star. Bicycle, i à : ; : 17 Special Star Bicycle, q : : : 19 Pony Star Bicycle, 6 : i q 21 Racing Star Bicycle, i ‘ i 22 Star Polo, ; 23 Care of the American Star. Care of Special and Semi-Racing Stars, Directions for Learning to Ride, Cementing Tires—Automatic Torch, 3ells—Automatic Alarms, i Paradox Oil Can—Bundle Carrier—Star Lamp, The New McDonnell Cyclometer, Butcher Cyclometer—Star Touring Bags—Tire Tape, ‘ Tool Bag—Step—Cradle Spring—Price List of Sundries, 4 ; 35 Testimonials, d 5 i ; { 36 Directions, Terms, Net cash with order, or 0. O. D, when order is accompanied by money enough to pay, Express charges both ways in case the machine is not accepted. Freight and Express charges to be paid by thie purchaser, We cannot guarantee the safe delivery of goods ; our responsibility céases when goods are delivered to Express or Freight Offices. In ordering it is always well to give weight of rider and if ‘selection of size! is left to us, give length of leg; also heighth?> As a rule small machines, sizes under 54-inch, give the best satisfaction for road use. larger than 54! We warrant all of our Star Bicycles to be free from imperfections, in material or manufacture, and will make good, at any time withina year, any defects ‘in them not caused by misuse or neglect. All defective parts must be sent us for examination before any claim is allowed. We do not recommend anything Smithville, N. J., is on the Camden’ and Burlington Co. R. R; (Amboy Division of P. R. R.) 20 miles from Philadelphia, and 75 miles from New York. We are always pleased to see our customers and friends here. Take the Ferry foot of Market St., Phila- delphia, if coming that way ; if via. New York, take either Cortland Street or Desbrosses Street Ferries and come via. Trenton, (2) ee + INTRODUCTORY, On In presenting this our first formal catalogue relating to Bicycles, we will have to draw from loose sheets and other unsystematized matter and the first issue will not contain all that should at this time be presented to our customers, but we hope in a brief way to refer to the growth and introduction ofthe Star, and to mention some of the proven points of merit, as well as to describe the several different styles of machines. History and Growth of the Star Bicycle. The Star is very generally known as the Bicycle with the “Little wheel in front” and in this respect differs greatly in appearance from the “Vertical fork” or “Crank” machines, and because of this difference in appearance many of the prejudices against the Star have been engendered 3ut the Star wears well, or in other words bears acquaintance, and it is now an open question among the more beautiful. We have become accus- lines of framing better than the monotonous skilled in the art which is the who tomed to it like its tangential curves found on the other machines. Another marked difference in the machines is the mode or manner of pro- pulsion—the vertical fork machines being prope led by cranks, while the Star is driven by levers and clutches which insure a continuous motion without dead There has been but little difference of opinion as to which is the Hence it will be seen that the Star differs from other machines in centres. better plan. two very essential points and the reasons for such an innovation will be set forth in the subsequent descriptions of the machine. The name “Star” we might here say, arose from the appearance of the first wheels me nde, which were built with tangential spokesof such tangency as to forma double star with the spokes at the hub—hence the name. Machines with the little wheel in front and also ma- chines driven with levers and clutches in some form were long since invented, but to Mr. George W. Pressey is due the credit of first organizing a bicycle with all the elements of the Star, and to whom two patents were granted in 1880, and from whom we procured the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the Ameri- can Star Bicycle. We of the machine in the Spring of 1881, and those who have r urchased machines from year to year The first machines were crude enough and the first few ma- commenced the manufacture could tell a story of rapid progress. lacked many adjustments that were subsequently applied. In chines the spokes were riveted in the rim without provision for adjustment. hub or hub nuts, or provided They were afterwards either screwed into the round grooves The rims or felloes were changed from with nipples in the rim The framing was improved to square seats and rubbers moulded to conform to solid halves, handle bars lengthened, brake improved, Collets for spring made adjustable, &c., &c., until we come to the modern mac hines and our own pat- ents of 1884 and 1885, which will be fully described in subsequent pages. | 3) { ere Ir LG EZLN AP even ? 5 L ee det enn nennen et Ÿ RE 7 <3 nnn them. The gravity of the rider is more perfectly utilized as the arc through which the feet move is of a large circle—the length of the lever being the rad- General Description | ius—and has a vertical direction under the rider. The spring which brings the } | levers back is of less tension than is usually back-pedalea on the ordinary ma- Or Points of Merit Relating to Star Bicycles | chine, and the action of the levers is positive and quick. - it Relating to Star Bicycles. | Tur Brake The Star is provided with a strong and durable brake, and it Owing to the peculiar organization of the Star Bicycles there are certain di may be applied so as to lock the wheel without any possible danger of a header. i tah? 3 in dis- | eae BEN : : “a We EE and valuable features that are,—as a noted crank rider once said of Again very little exertion 18 required to put the brake on W iy the hands pile 1e machine, Excluded from any other similar vehicle,” and of which the fol- Power Ab consumes: Pom ie lo wing are some of the points claimed : SrreNarm.—The framing is in solid halves and is one of the finest steel forg- the feet may rest in coasting and thus economize back-pedal. The Star bicycle is conceded to be a practical machine adapted alike for pleas- It now holds all the safety records up to 20 miles, and ure and for business. ings made ;—is of a braced triangul AE é Sarery.—The dangerous NAT ee and idurably Connected. also holds the best Bicycle record from 4 to 20 miles made in open competition have induced various manufacturers to Fe are = the Ordinary Rachias by any American. It has won all the open road races in which it has partici- ponent of “Safety” based 1 ee see york SADE with, the, ex- pated with one exception, and in that case the rider was ditched by a balky nennen ee c RES ae back towards the hind small wheel, but horse and the machine able we rofer to the Big 4 race aC only partial. The Star is provided wi seri on : es provided with the small steering The Star won the late 100 mile road race at Boston in 6 hours and 57 minutes. As the weather grew cold the distance contracted a little but the Star out-ran all competitors. The Star has likewise won all the open hill climbing contests since 1883, both in the ability to climb and as to speed. We might refer to very many other meritorious feats, while some of our cus- tomers haye written out over fifty superior claims for the Star, but we will be content to pass to descriptions of the various machines. wheel in front, thus making a rolling support or brace against momentum occa- ee by an obstruction or sudden stoppage of the machine, and hence the Star rider can go over very rough roads or coast any hill with perfect safety, and can go over very large obstructions if necessary. ASS a : Ease or Conrroz.—As the wheel is held firmly in line with the framing, the ) ; g ) , push of the rider does not throw it out ofits course, and the machine may be easily ridden without hands. TEERS MORE BASILY—As the push of the rider does not effect the wheels the steering can be made very sensitive and quick so that shorter turns can be made —and it is arranged so that in turning at right angles suddenly to avoid a fence | or ditch, the rider can dismount on the inside of the circle where he can avoid falling. | et RS Classification of Machines, and a Description of the Dif- ferent Clutches, Rims, Tires, &c. EASIER To Mount.—The step being at the left side of the machine near the saddle the rider steps easily to and from the seat instead of climbing up from | behind; and in all “Ride and ”c à ani : | | ed the quickest. Run''oonteetaitha Ataris RENE ec spQUAIEOUNG The Star Bicycles may be divided into five classes, viz: Comrorr— As the Star is provided with a long flexible spring much comfort is Te TON EE CHE A a Spee Ore Biestinae gnc’ added to the rider, in going over rough roads. | Jacket covering over steering bar, &c., &c., as made during 1884, with some | ApsusTABLE Position or SApDLE.— C r ki | added improvements. | the Star and as it can be aise oe an eae ae ee 2nd, The Semi-Racing Star, which dispenses with the Spring over front wheel | rider can be used for propelling the machine and the rider can sit aie à 1e and jacket over the Steering rod. Is fitted with Patent Silent Ratchet, Long | Size or Maocuing.—The Star being more or less self-adjusting the ao does flexible Spring, or if for racing a light hood for supporting the Saddle, &c. | not require a machine so nearly his size, and hence a ‘large man can ride is Being the machine whici wouithe races of 185%. : : small machine which may be made lighter and stiffer ; and a boy can ride the 3rd. The Special Star, also dispensing with the jacket covering and Spring same machine. a aa over the steering bar and front wheel. Has Patent Silent Ratchet and is on the Economy or Powrr.—Other bicycles are propelled by cranks turned b ‘He lines of the Semi-Racer, made generally low head with long handle bars dropped foot, a method of propulsion now out of use in most kinds of machinery Tone to a convenient position. Provided with a long flexible seat Spring the front six-inch crank a bicycler must make a muscular motion of about 374 ones in end of which is attached to an oscillating coil to compensate for fore poet | | order to bear down on his crank an average of less than 4 inches full power | motion. A comfortable road machine for all kinds of roads. The Star, by use of levers and clutches has a continuous power NIN Ens the 4th. The Star Racer, made preferably with hollow framing, hollow levers, wheel two-thirds around with the same motion and exertion required to move hollow rims, light tangential spokes, solid steel hub, low head, &c. Rigidity and | the crank one-half round on the old machine, thus enabling the rider to go fas- lightness being constantly kept in view. The machine is more or less Special | | ter and easier with the same amount of labor, at the same time giving independ: and is adapted for racing ony onthe: tracks 8 | | ent action to the levers, the rider pushing with one foot or both at pleasure, or | va ae Pony sax SE Rey dE made oe tape gf je sboxe lines ae the) | | sitting with his feet resting on the pedals, which do not move unless he moves | distinction that the driving eels ae or 45 inches diameter and the hinged | | 5 ze | \ ) Na OK Y (4) a — 4 WE + ends of levers ard dro | 3 ° pped sd as to britig the nrc y i l'arret ae g the arc movement of the foot in the Further descriptions ptions of each style will be fou i L 3 nd w à ACC gravings. We will now refer to our patent Poni LR D meee Figs. Fip.2. RimZand Tire. The engravings 28, ae = 4 ng _Tepre sent the three principal sizes used, although for racing ae maller size designated No 4, being about 4 inch across the fi : ‘ig. 1 is wide ar A i ; Lie mn ij rather heavy, and is adapted for the larger machines and for £ y roads y i ; y roads or where there is much sand, but for general use on fair t se 2 roads the No. 2 is lar 2 arge enough, and all machines 5l-inc i ij i that size unless ordered to the contrary Se ees | | Fig. 3 is used for the front wheels, also on semi-racers for smootl | Fe es this size on Pony Stars. ne 16 Rubber tires are made in iron moulds and are ide i i ones are provided with a contract es Reco eine nee holding the tire within the flanges of Revie pie aes na e ofalight elastic rubber, while the whole is Fe TE ne SA 5 igh durable coat of rubber that will resist cuts and say ine es eee oes nos of the tires sent out in 1882 are good to this eee a A re ‘ eae been so unfortunate as to receive some we ae Ee a PR RES are flat seated and that the tires ET A , = iter eee the U V, and Crescent rims, also a lot | abs re found to be too weak and withst 1 eles to x hich the Star rider subjected the machine. To prevent Serie £ 0 Z. i i : : ne Rs FR Er cer in the base and it proved a great ee ofa Ie i to make the tires stay in a rounded groove, but eee are ae it from rolling out, hence the new rim and tire Rue nn ae one in which the tire could be cemented to remain. et à 1e spokes were breaking, which brought about another ion, the of Invincible would not ID Double Solid Drawn Spoke and for which patents were granted January 29th, 1884 At first we upset the ends of the spokes but of course in doing this the fibre was digarranged or broken and caused a great deal of annoyance (6) Butt-ended We next im- saab y | | drawn single butt-ended spokes which anstvered very well when washers were used, but in solid rims where it was desirable to pass the spoke through the rim and screw into the hub like a screw bolt it left an un- filled hole in the rim unless the outer end was upset, when we were again met with the old trouble of breakage. The solid drawn double butt-ended spoke over- came the difficulty and now the interior portion of the spoke is reduced three sizes by drawing. With the very best spoke that could be made the trouble of breaking had been greatly reduced, but still now and then they would break, which excited our thought in another direction for the cause and the result was provement, this time in the hub of the wheel. We refer to the New Nutted Spoke flange. The hub is now provided with a groove in which rounded face nuts are seated when the spokes pass through the hub flange and screw direct into case-hardened nuts. These nuts being rounded to suit the groove in the flange of course only present a line contact in the flange parallel to the driving strain and hence there is no purchase over which to bend the spoke from the propelling force and as the spokes are not bent back and forth as in the old way we have a minimum of breakage. During the past year we sent out about eleven thousand spokes to repair direct acting spokes where screwed into the hub flange, while we sent out only about one hundred nutted spokes. Again we had trouble to keep the wheel taut on the old plan as the spokes would loosen in the rim at each turn and gradually but the nutted spoke passes through the hub flange in a manner that the suspension action of the wheel can move atthe hub and the spokes at the rim remain tight, hence they cannot back out. There are other improvements relating to the brake, collet, spindles, clips, &e., but they will be noticed with the descriptions of the different machines. The ratchet mechanism received a great deal of study and attention from the first conception of the machine. Mr. Pressey first applied and patented a fric- tion clutch and went over about the same ground that late inventors of such clutches had to travel. We also tried friction pawls in grooves; rolls and balls impinging between wedging surfaces ;—friction straps, &c., but all gave way to a simple practical ported a lot of solid another great im and corresponding groove in the hub unscrew and back out, Fig. 1. Gravity Pawl and Ratchet, as finally adopted for the American Star Bicycle, and we append the f description, reference being had of the engravings : with ratchet, collet, spring, and which w following as a brie Fig. 1 gives the details of the ratchet boxes, (7) de | box each in place, The spring B is shown in broken sectional coils, Collet C shows its round seat on axle and one “tang” engaging inside end of spring. The slot in right side of C engages with a small pin projecting from side of frame which prevents collet from turning when spring is wound. D shows the ratchet, and E represents the sleeve attached to same which gives it bearing on project- ing end of hub. The whole is encased in a sheet metal box, H, around which is wound the strap, the tension of which imparts the rotary motion. The end of the hub forms a hollow spindle which butts against C, being prevented from binding by a shoulder on axle. The axle of machine is of course understood to be fast in the frame and has no movement. Fig. 2 shows box H with D E removed, and spring B with collet C showing in place at bottom of box. This cut shows four tangs on C by which adjustment of B is facilitated, Fig. 3 shows pawl cage and pawls, six im number, dropping into place. It is of course understood that the pawls work by gravity alone and engage at the bottom as shown. The pawl cage screws on to the hub and becomes a part of same when the machine is operated. Fig. 4 shows ratchet E D complete. the outer end of spring hooks, On the back will be seen a tang on which The spring works freely in the chamber between hack wall of D E and end of box H, being wound by rotation of the entire me- chanism around axle with collet C fast thereon holding inner end of spring, which last reacts and causes box and contained mechanism to return to the ‚riginal position. The machines of 1882, 1883 and most of 1884 were fitted with this Ratchet, but there were always a few riders who criticised theclicking noise, while the majori- ty of Star riders said “Let her click ;” that they “Liked the accompaniment,” &c. During these years the Star was doing some good work both on the road and on the path, but to meet the demand for a noiseless clutch we conducted a number of experiments and made many diaughts of the “Coming clutch” with at first indifferent success. The friction idea had been disposed of and the study was to make a positive and at the same time noiseless clutch. To be wholly positive the notches had to be retained. The ordinary gravity pawls were at first pro- vided with small friction buttons at the outer ends which rubbed against the driving case as the wheel pulled them around and of course the friction would draw them out and the same friction would throw them in when the driver (8) + moved faster than the wheel. The same results were obtained by placing the pawls on the driver and allowing the friction dises to rub against the hub of the wheel. The next step was to place the friction pieces to an upper extension of the pawl so as to apply at right angles with rotation; and then it was noticed that the friction had to be great enough to overcome gravity, which suggested an intermediate piece to balance the gravity of the pawls, and to which a slight friction could be applied. Thus step by step we came to the New Silent Ratchet, and for which patents were granted in July of 1885. A few machines with the silent ratchet were fitted up and used during 1883, and all the racing machines of 1884 were of the two-way silent ratchet, and likewise those of 1885. In fact dur- ing the past year nearly a thousand of the Silent machines were put on the market and we have had an opportunity to examine some of the first machines made, which have traveled thousands of miles, and to our great surprise they show little or no signs of wear. This ratchet is made in two styles—one that will admit of the machine running backwards for convenience in bandling; the other will not admit of running backwards but is perfectly noiseless. The two- way ratchet may be heard to click a little ifthe foot is depressed slower than the but in practice the ratchet is practically silent and consumes wheel is coasting, c ant 0DSU The-following description will give a none of the running power of the wheel. better idea of its construction : Fig. 1. Fig. 1 represents the Hub proper—throngh the flanges of which the spokes pass and screw into case-hardened nuts which are seated within a groove as bin — ae | eee @) re ne i mer hh me before described. The bell piece L is screwed on to an extension of the hub and contains the notch ring—both are made of steel—the latter being accurately notched by cutting, and carefully hardened, and both are removable and like- wise replacable in case of accident. The extension K represents a portion of the spindle, the same being shown in Fig. 2. This latter figure represents the driv- ing box, showing the strap C, covering D, manner of fastening the strap A and B, and pawls F F, and also containing the retracting spring beyond the wall E E. This spring hooks into the hollow collet, Fig. 3, in the manner shown in Fig. 4, and tbis hollow collet admits of a good long bearing to the driving box. The friction piece I I is separate from the driving mechanism and also from the hub, except through small crank wires G. This friction piece is divided and held together by screws and springs J, so as to produce a slight friction upon the still shaft K the driving box is in place the pawls will be directly under the notches and the friction piece between the hub and box separated from the latter by but connected as before stated by the wires. The action of the clutch will be understood when it is remembered that the friction piece controls the outer ends of the pawls and Now when a collar, cannot move around the shaft except as drawn by the pawls which are hinged so as to move freely on their bearings. the wires The friction piece being parallel with angles as the cut—the right the driving box moves forward under a pressure from the foot the first action of the pawls must be to spread into the notches as the friction piece pawls—and not at right shown in are necessarily at about angles, hence as under so slight a pressure but soon as the pawls engage with notches the forward move- ment must drive the wheel, the refuses to move whole including the friction piece moving together till the end of the stroke, the wheel continuing to move, but as the foot reverses to come back the retracting spring in the case reverses the direction of the driving mechanism, when again the friction piece comes into play, this time to withdraw the pawls from the notches toa stop and then coming back with the driver, but of course holding the pawls out until the foot again depresses the treadles, Hence it will be seen that the clutch must be very positive, and noise- less except when the foot is depressed slower than the wheel is coasting ; and also it will be seen that the wheel can be run backwards in handling, which is the it must run The friction required to control the pawls is imper- a convenience, and as no friction is taken from perfectly free in coasting running wheel ceptible, being only the fraction of an ounce The pawls being diametrically opposed to one another balance the strain that would otherwise fall upon the spindle, and therefore there is no binding as in the case where the pawls operate only on one side of the ratchet box The ratchet which runs only one way of course takes its friction from the running wheel and therefore consumes a little power, however slight, all the After a test of now some three years we think best to recommend the two-way silent time, but of course is perfectly noiseless under all conditions. thorough ratchet as being more satisfactory, and its durability has been confirmed by nearly a thousand riders The Levers are made of solid steel unless ordered to be hollow when they will be made of weldless steel tubing and hardened—at an extra price. For the Special machines the hinged ends will be coned without extra charge this season. The Pedals will be plain unless ordered rocking, when an extra charge will be made. The experienced Star rider generally (10) prefers plain pedals because | | | | #— a The levers are fitted they are firm and less liable to rattle, and lighter too. with two pins upon which to hitch the drum straps, the forward pin being for This brings us to our patent speed, the other for power. Changeable Power Atlachment, of which we submit an engraving. We cannot recall how many times some- thing of this kind has been invented by the different riders. The idea “struck” us the first time we saw the machine, which was in 1880; and our first concep- tion ofa movable fulcrum was that of a sliding block and for which patents were granted to Moses G. Crane under an application made October 6th, 1881 But prior to this we had developed the radial link and constructed working models which were satisfactory and which with some supplemental links were finally adopted. In order to avoid an interference with Mr. Crane on the gener- al application of a movable or changeable power attachment we purchased the exclusive right of his entire patent, and have otherwise fortified ourselves for the exclusive right to use this important invention The engraving represents the two positions of the Power Attachment, the one on this side being up is at the highest speed, while the one on the opposite gide being down is at its grentest power, which ig about 20 per cent over the gpeeded position, and hence a hill may be ascendad that much easier by the aid of these Power Traps In making the radial link practical we found it necessary to add the supples (11) mental links so as to avoid the step on oneside of the machine and also to bring the toe pieces within easy reach of the feet; and in putting on these links to shift them should be applied at or about right angles to the radial link so as to it was found necessary to arrange them so that the power of the foot make the adjustment not only practical but very easy,—that a slight touch with the toe will throw them forward and back as desired In using the Power Traps the change from speed to power, or vice versa, is made without stopping or dismounting. For instance, at or near the Potton of a hill one stroke of the foot on each side changes the traps back to power and the ascent ofthe hill of the brings the straps to the speeded positions, and as these changes are almost when is made « single touch toe on each side instantaneous, and made while coasting, little or no time is lost M à P. ar Tre £ > mre i i I'he Power Traps are arranged to suit either hollow or solid levers, and can be They always an extra. rhe Brake, being very important on the Star, received much attention and it put on old levers if returned to the works are was some time before it was developed in satisfactory shape. The engraving represents the American Star Brake, and we would say that we have made very many styles, some that drew up hand and others that pressed forward by the thumb, but these required sliding the hand to the middle of the inexperienced. by handle bar, which convenient for the We also made other styles of lever brakes but it was difficult to was not provide for the vertical movement of the steering bar, or to avoid pulling against g age the spring overthe little wheel. The above illustrated brake seems to meet 19 ne ashe these objections and if kept packed will make little or no noise. The Spring over the brake is to compensate for any motion from the spring over the little wheel and to keep the brake lever in position as well. It will be seen that the brake lever turns with the handle bar and is always within easy reach of the right hand without letting go of the handle, no matter how short or what direc- tion of curve the rider may be going. There are a few holes drilledat the mid- dle connection which provide for compensation in case of wear or desire to ap ply the brake harder or more lightly. This brake is furnished with all the regu- lar Star machines and is an extra only when applied to old machines. The brake on the Special machines was derived from the combination of a lever and the thumb brake, and was first introduced in 1882, and with some modifica- tion it will be noticed on the Special Star After getting many letters of relating to the various improvements, not a little annoyed by many complaints that the “Pine Suspension Saddle covered with genuine pig skin and stuffed with hair’? was not giving satisfaction, but became hard and uncomfortable, soon losing its suspension and the Star into good shape and receiving very praise Bicycle we were elasticity. For the past two years we have given the subject considerable atten- tion and have tested many forms, some of our own and many of other makes. In 1882, we exhibited a fair specimen of Suspension Saddle at the Cincinnati Industrial Exposition. This saddle was provided with compensation in the flex- ible seat at the horn, and therefore the suspension could not only be retained This saddle is in use to-day and is apparently as but regulated to snit the rider. further im- good and comfortable as when first made From this success grew provements until we now have the Spring Saddle as shown in above engraving The framing is preferably made in one continuous piece of spring wire, thus utiliz ing the torsional property ofthe material and admitting of smaller wire, and to make the saddle highly elastic coils are formed at one or both ends which give length to the material and consequent life to the spring The flexible seat or cov- ering is preferably made of the best oak tanned leather with provision to take up for stretch or to regulate the tension to suit the rider. Sometimes straps and buckles are employed, but practically we now combine the straps with the rear portion of the saddle into a stiff seat of double leather that will not rope under the rider, and make the compensation near the horn of the saddle as originally designed, but the principle being the same as the under connection is made to help support the flexible seat. A single clip will fasten the saddle to the spring and all adjustments can be readily made without removing the saddle from the machine We make the endless frames without coils for Suspension Saddles, and we also make the frames in two pieces (each endless) with or without coils, to adjust by separate clips on the spring or support the horn of the saddle quite high while more experienced riders like them low. We Some riders like make them medium height unless ordered to the contrary. We vary the pattern of the Spring Saddle and make itin various forms. (see the one on the Special Star.) We also make them with a large coil dropping down to shield the wheel and fasten to the seat spring by attaching direct to the the horn, and giving more the saddle at coils, thus admitting of easily raising or lowering spring to the saddle as some may desire. Any one who will use first moderately and continue its use until shaped to the rider, will be entirely satisfied, and will be perfectly relieved from the ordinary small jars. ee ————— | | eco and Meritorious Fomoumances, ety the Star Holds All Accepted World’s Records from 1-4 Styles of Finish. | 0 — EN ————— + i i | We have felt that heretofore we have made too many styles of finish and like- 8 a ety ihe. wise too many sizes of machines. We think the 57 and 60 inch machines should ' be 20 Mile. De SSP ARE OUEN Les AE SES Et chen lyaeayyiandc di fieultito One-half mile in 1m. 16sec., and One mile in 2m. 38sec., by Joseph Powell, mount. Even the 54 inch machines are too large except for tall persons racing | ne ae a ame ) J on smooth tracks, as it takes strength to drive them and of course cannot be a | fee apa a 17 4-bsec., Three-quarter mile in 2m. 1 1-5sec., and One made as light as small machines And as regards finish the American Star will | Le 2m. 41 2-5sec., by C. E luge on a 54-inch, 45 pound Star. | be furnished in four styles this season, viz: Plain (being painted) ; Full enamel i | D mo les in bm 35 i at by Geo. E. Weber, on a 54-inch, 45 pound Star. | (except trimmings which are nickeled); Two thirds nickeled (the wheel being ? | Three miles in 8m. 31 1-5sec iy Joseph Pow ell, on a 44 pound Star | enameled), and Full nickeled (including rim and all). The Special and Semi- | aa Il A b st Ar Sinan records made in open contest by Geo. | Racing Stars will not be finished plain, but in three styles, viz: Full enamel, Fe She HOMO ECS = | | lwo-thirds nickel, and Full nickel. The enamel can be in almost any colors, | Eee = 13 Miles - cf but will be black unless ordered to the contrary, and may be finished with a | . Miles | À 14 * a = dead lustre or bright and glossy as desired, and the purchaser should always | 6 GS - 2 LB jig 3 is É | state the kind and style of finish desired. Hollow rims and tangential wheels | AS - - 16 El - - | are preferably finished in enamel as they are difficult to polish and nickel | 8 a 3 d fe « 3 i In reference to our Nickel we will say that we first put on a good coat of cop- A « à en 19 5 = per and then all the nickel it will bear, but it will be found necessary to occa- | 11 “ 2 E 20 ‘ 5 : 59.46 sionally oil the nickeled parts if living close to salt water 12) . : ne Also, 20 Miles 160 Yards within the Hour Rollers and Ball Bearings, and Tricycles. | In Addition te these the Star Holds the 1-2 Mile, 15 Mile and 25 Mile L. A. y | W. Championship for the Year. We have almost daily inquiry for one orall of the above, and we will say HANDS OEE that as to Rollers we have bee sing am fo e pe rears f i K 1 hi ; atas to Rollers we have been using them for the past two years and in some One-half mile in 1m. 29sec; One mile in 3m. 3-5sec., by Chas. H. Chickering, respects with good satisfaction, but of course they lack adjustability, and are not suitable to put on machines for common use until worked ina little better shape on & 64-inch, 60 pound Star - and we are at it As to Balls we are also testing them to see if they En a RIDE AND EON 5 the crushing strain which they will receive from the clutch, and if ‘they prove | One-half mile in 2m. 1-2sec., One mile in 4m. 23sec., by C. B. Ripley, on a to be durable they will be presented to the publie when fully perfected Bl-inch, 55 pound Star The Star Tricycle has been a problem which has received a great deal of at- TECH ROA 1»: tention ever since 1881, and we have now partsof a machine undergoing trial | The World’s Record for 50 and 100 Miles in open Contest 50 miles, 3 hours | at our Works. We hope to bring it out in good shape soon, as the ground | 10} minutes. 100 miles, 6 hours, 57 minutes, by Geo. E. Weber. | before us looks better than ever and we have developed some valuable features | EEE EEE: | URL SEEN | Hill climbing Contests at Corey Hill have been won twice on the Star. First Patents. | in 1883, by Burt Pressey. and the second and only eee since then in 1885, by | We have not procured a long array of Patents but those we have secured are W. W. Stall: jAlso Eee ues i. Benes Shy Nas pas geen SE engel ri i i twice by different Star riders—first by Burt Pressey and lately by ¢ E. Kluge pent vy Soe aoe oe eine AE exclusive right to manufacture the Star in Also Son-of-a-gun Hill, near St. Louis, has been frequently ascended by Hal | its various forms, and we have set aside a respectable sum of money for the OO 0 eut ‘ 1 { ity protection of our just rights The following patents will give an idea of what Greenwood, the Star rider of that yr | we claim, and there are a number of applications pending for improvements First Premiums. | developed during the past few years Grand Gold Medal Awarded at the Atlanta Cotton Exposition, : 1881 | a. Patents granted to G. W. Pressey, October 20th, 1880 « « « « A New Orleans World’s Exposition, 1885 | win HR November 23rd, 1880 “ Silver “| « “Philadelphia NoveltioExposition, 1805 | a : Wm. S. Kelley, January 29th. 1884 « « 6 as fi Louisville Cotton Exposition, . 1853. | September 9th, 1984. 4 Ee “Cincinnati Exposition, Sec « « « i July 7th, 1885 | « “ « « “ New England Mechanics Fair, . 1881. | ‘ July 7th, 1885, A Large Number of First Premiums from State and County Fairs all over the | : Frankland Jannusg, 6 November 24th, 1885 United States for | And a number Pending. asia EH BEST BIGGIE a ge | | 14 (15) | de a a ye 1 “br ' <a> eel On Dagui T4 w f n ed: Le The American Star Bicycle. It was upon this machine that Mr. FE. 1 188: Burns scored the first victory for the ; Charles H. Chickering at the Gentlemen’s Burt Pressey t Springfield, Mass., Sept., 1883 Star at Ridgeway Park in Sept., later Driving Park two month English World the demand for them has been constantly incrensing. record from the that the lhe late machines of this pattern bave given without hands ; and Charles Frazier winning the 25 mile atthe same time and place. It wns this machine Bicycling called “The surprise of 1883.” highest of satisfaction and the It may be briefly described as follows for 48 and 51 inch ma- be The spokes pass The rims and tires are of our new patent sections and but the diminished to meet the conditions of rough or smooth chines are preferably made of No 2. size, size will increased or roads through the hub flange and screw into patent round seated nuts that are case- louble style, being hardened The clutch is of the Gravity Paw] dle hardened and fitted with The spokes being our patent butt-ended solid drawn style. positive and durable afety collets. The which to attach the driving straps. The The spin- patent adjustable levers are solid and fitted with two pins upon pedals plain and the hinged end of lever gec ured by a plain screw-bolt. The fram- ing isin solid halves and secured to the front bone sheath by patent compression clips. A stay-rod from the upper connection to the lower rod braces the tri- angular framing so as to resist the driving strain. The machine is surmounted with a long flexible spring and now fitted with a long distance saddle. The small front wheel has direct spokes screwed into the hub and both wheels have plain bearings. The front fork and steering rod are continuous, the latter passing through the framing tube to the handle bar and by this means the front wheel is separated from the framing by a coil spring shown in the engraving [his spring yields to the sudden rising of the steering wheel and hence prevents the therwise fore and aft motion to the rider It also permits the steering wheel to rise over obstructions more readily and and at the same time s > the machine and rider from unnecessary jar. The machine is usually fitted with the regular Star Brake as before described, but 16 4 +he Y — ae ae can be fitted with the Special brake which admits of a lower head if desired. The handle bar is now made longer and may be st raight or dropped as 7 rav Wrenc machine is furnished with Tool Bag, Spoke Wrench, Monkey Wrench Weight 60 to 65 Ibs. The following are the styles, sizes and net desired. Each | | | and Oil Can. cash prices: of | | in- enameled. Nickeled, ng rim unless ed Full $95 00 $85.00 $75.00 $90.00 80.00 90 00 95.00 100.00 85.00 95 00 100,00 105.00 The following extras are Star: Hollow Hardened Steel Levers. $5.00; Adjustable Cones to front wheel, $5.00; Ball Bearing to front wheel, $8.00; Changeable Power Attachment, $5.00; Rocking Pedals, $2.00 ; | Hollow Framing, $10.00; Hollow rims, $5.00; Silent Ratchet, $15.00, &c. applicable to the American Se — ADD The Semi-Racing Star Bicycle. This machine won the Star races of 1884, and reduced the racing record t The machine differs from the regular American Star, mainly i | 241 for a mile | nai j bar, and in omitting th | dispensing with the jac ket covering on the steering (17 + oO n e 4 — ee Y coil spring over the front steering wheel, besides some other details and special fittings. As this machine is intended for use on Suburban roads, Park Avenues and smooth tracks special provision is made to have it meet such requirements. It is preferably fitted with a long flexible seat spring, unless the machine is wanted for Racing on smooth tracks when it can be fitted with a light hood as shown. The bearings for the spring and brake spoon are steel bushed in a man- ner that stiffen the framing and admit of lateral adjustment for wear. The fram- ing of the machine is of steel and in solid halves and is connected together at the hub by a hardened steel spindle ground true and smooth—at back end of the saddle support by a steel bush bearing through which a bolt passes, making the connection rigid in one direction—and connected to fine bronze bearings at the steering bar. Noiseless bumpers prevent any rattle in these bearings. As before stated the steering bar is not covered with a pipe or jacket, but bardened and finished in any style desired. The machines are usvally made “Low head” style and handle bars dropped to a conyenient position, unless the regular Star Brake is required, which necessitates greater length to the upper steering rod 80 as to admit of the spring and sliding parts of the brake. The extremely low head machines require a thumb brake, as illustrated, which is the simplest, and skillful riders like it; or a thumb and lever brake combined, as shown on the Special Star. The above machine is fitted with our patent silent ratchet, which is practically positive and noiseless, and the style more generally used is the kind that will admit of running the machine backwards. The tires are of the improved flat-seated kind with contractile base and the rims also flat grooved | and provided with a deep rib to increase the vertical strength. The Spokes are the Patent solid drawn double butt-ended, headed under a heat, and screwed into case hardened nuts which are encased within the hub flanges. These nuts are held within a groove so they will not turn and at the same time presents a line contact in the hub so that the driving strain of the wheel will not break the spokes. The nuts admit of any vertical motion dueto the suspension action of the wheel which prevents the spokes from getting loose as they remain station- ary in the rim. The levers are of solid steel forging with plain pedals and two pins for straps, and the hinged ends are now secured by adjustable cone bearings. Both wheels have plain bearings, but can be fitted as per extras below. The machine is furnished with vulcanite handles, a Kelley Spring Saddle, Tool Bag, Spoke and Monkey Wrench, and Oil Can, and all the parts are finish- ed with great accuracy: and especial pains are exercised in getting a fine finish and making in every respect a high class machine. Weight from 45 to 50 Ibs, The following are the styles, sizes and net cash prices: : iy EE Ay 83 sas 2 03 zes BE BAS 283 28 | Be dna CEFE a | À 8, ET 488 | . 3 58 Z ged ae evil a A45 ES ESHE BB es mh eee keel ps 42, 45 & 48, $102.00 $107.00 $112.00 51, 107.00 112.00 117.00 54, 112.00 117.00 122.00 Extras :—Hollow Hardened Bteel Levers, $5.00; Cones to front wheel, $5.00; Ball Bearing to front Wheel, $8.00; Changeable Power Attachment, $5.00; Rocking Pedals, 82,00; Hollow framing, $10.00; Hollow Rims, $5.00 ; Hollow Handle Bars, $2.50. (18) The Special Star Bicycle. ES This machine is on the lines of the Semi-Racing Star, diflering only in the fact that the seat spring is provided with an oscillating spring at the front end, while the back end is hinged on a hardened steel bush or bearing that will admit of a fore and aft motion. The bearing on the front end of seat spring is Igo on a steel bushing while the oscillating spring is clamped firmly to the pper stay-rods of the framing of the machine. It will be understood that the Aout wheel in passing over an obstruction will produce a fore and aft motion to the rider which not only consumes power but is uncomfortable to the rider and training tothe machine. The rider being thus suspended between springs which admit of this compensating motion can go over the coughest of roads as if “sitting in a cradle—or rather the rider sits still while the machine oscillates “under him. This improvement was brought out by us in 1881 and 1882, but he machines then made were provided with an oscillating link—being the game in principle while the spring is simpler in construction. “The machine as illustrated shows our new “Combination brake” which origi- nated from a combined thumb and lever brake, The connection between the Jever and spoon piece is through a ring which admits of the handle bar turning ‘until it strikes the limbs. There is a projection to this ring in which three or more holes are drilled for adjustment, and through which connection is made to the upper end of the spoon piece. Through this adjustment it will be seen that the brake or spoon may be set so as to go on very hard or lightly as desired. The connection of the brake lever and ring is such that they will move freely in turning and still cannot come apart; and a durable spring where the spoon piece is hinged holds all the parts to place 80 they cannot rattle. The machine may be fitted with a hood but the seat spring is preferable for road riding as it can spring up and down, and the machine is supplied with an improved Kelley Spring Saddle. The Handles are of hard vulcanite black rubber. The steering bar is without the jacket and is made of the best weldless steel tubing carefully tempered. The bearings above and below are of fine bronze and each provided with noiseless bumpers which are to a certain extent compensating. The front fork is semi-hollow, being forged from solid steel and is brazed to the steering bar. The framing is in solid halves and the levers which are of solid steel, are pro- the pedals plain, faced with vided with adjustable cones at the hinged ends: The rims are solid and preferably No. 2 in section, and the The plain hearing to the front wheel now corrugated rubber bearings to both wheels are plain made 18 very good as the hub is made of steel and provision is made for lateral and therefore the wheel can be adjustment precisely as made for balls or cones, adjusted to a “hair.” The wheels are of the “Direct spoke” type, except that in the large wheel the spokes pass through the hub flange and into round-seated, case-hardened nuts, in a manner to greatly reduce the percentage of breakage. The line contact of the nut being parallel with the spindle prevents bending of the spoke due from the usual driving strain, and at the same time allows the suspension action of the spokes through the hub without loosening in the rim, and hence the spokes do not become loose. The main spindle is made of mild centred steel and is made as hard on the surface as fire and water will make it Tho spindle is now secured in and then ground smoothly and accurately to size the frame by jamb nuts that will not work loose The Collet is of the hollow type, thus allowing a long and substantial bearing All of the details are made with great accuracy and Each machine is furnished with Tool to the driving mechanism a fine finish is imparted to every piece Bag, Spoke and Monkey Wrench, and Oil Can. Weight from 50 to 55 tbs. The following are the styles, sizes and net cash prices: a 9 pecs nu ag £a sta on” Zar az Ep aoa fas gud “85 hag — — o_o A $107.00 $112.00 $117.00 112.00 117.00 122.00 117.00 122.00 127.00 The following extras are more or less applicable to the machine: Hollow Hardened Steel Levers, $5.00; Cones to front wheel, $5.00; Balls to front wheel, $8.00; Changeable Power Attachment, $5.00; Rocking Pedals, $2.00 ; Hollow Framing, $10.00; Hollow Rims, $5.00; Hollow Handle-bar, $2.50. ( 20) el ame The Pony Star Bicycle. This machine belongs to the Dwarf Family and was first brought out by us in 1881. The first machine is now on exhibition at Jersey City and has 40-inch driver. The Star being a complete Safety Machine and having met with such popular favor, other manufacturers have been induced to make attempts in the game direction with the results of what might be termed “Semi-Safety” bicycles. Comparatively safe betause they are dwarf in size, and secondly because the rider either sits back on the small wheel or between the two wheels. The organization of the Star fortunately admits of the rider sitting back and directly over the driver with no weight on the small front wheel—the weight of the Hence it bas not been necessary to make the front wheel larger than the proportionate size, but sometimes we make them larger to meet the requirements of customers. Our plans include small drivers, say 40, 42 and 45 inch diameter, and small wheels from 18 to 24 inches ; and in special cases the dimensions can be changed or reversed, Besides the difference in size of machine the Pony Star has the hinged end’ of the levers dropped or lowered so as to place the are movement of the foot just right—this latter being sufficient to steer the machine. of course varies when a large man rides a small machine. The Pony Star may be made of any of the different classos—either American Star, Semi-Racing, Special or Racing Star, as it was upon this latter, a 40-inch machine, that Joseph Powell made a mile in the very'creditable time of 2.38. Nearly all of the extras are applicable to this machine—the engraving repre- senting a Special Pony. It is preferably fitted with No. 2 or No. 3 tires and has Cow-horn handle-bar to admit of the limbs coming up for a full stroke or for convenience in mounting without striking the bar. The machine is furnished (21) with Vulcanite handles, a Kelley Spring Saddle, Tool Bag, Spoke and Wrench and Oil Can. Monkey Weight from 40 to 45 lbs, The following are the prices in the different styles: American Star, Semi-Racing Star Special Star, Racing Star special price the Pony Star This is the machine that now holds the records by an Weber during 1885 ~er 1 from 4 to 20 miles, made in open competition Also 97 light consistent with strength and is very rigid Sa Ty oe 23 3 8 9 © Ee SA zy ze 8 AF ä 3 | 8 7 x = N 3 7 Ee En A ten, 12 $85.00 $90.00 $95.00 42 102.00 107.00 112.00 42 107.00 112.00 117.00 Most of the Extras are more or less applicable to ae =. RE The Racing Star Bicycle, American rider —Geo. at Springfield, Mass., miles in 6 hours and 57 minutes. The machine is made The framing except the back (22) Bi stays is hollow, the handle bar and levers hollow, the latter having cones at the hinged ends. The rims are hollow, of No. 4 gection, and the front bone of weld- Jess steel tubing carefully hardened. A light hood forms a seat for a light spring gaddle and the brake is of simplest form The front wheel bearing is of balls and as an extra rollers are fitted to the large wheel. The hub is made from a solid steel forging and the spokes pass through a thin hub flange over a curved surface and radiate tangentially from notches to the rim where they are secured by nipples which extend through the rim so as to admit of adjustment without removing the rubber. This hub and plan of fastening was perfected during the winter and spring of 1882, and has since been copied by other makers. The spokes where crossed are tied with fine wire and soldered; also they are soldered at the hub to prevent working or movement, and hence the wheel is very rigid and resists the driving strain per- fectly. Fifty-four inch machines vary from 40 to 44 pounds and smaller ma- They are finished in any desired style except Price, $150.00 Roller Bearings, extra, $10.00. chines proportionately lighter. the wheels are enameled. un dl | Star Polo, : This interesting game was first suggested by Mr. H. 8. Owen of the Capitol Bi Club, Washington, D. C., and to whom the credit 18 mostly due for bringing it out. The small wheel is used asa mallet to drive the ball and when the players become skilledin the art the game is very interesting and exciting. | Rules of the Game. | Ist. The game shall consist of five points, the team winning the five points | first, being entitled to the game (23) | “+ 2nd. A point consists in propelling the Ball either intentionally or accidentally through either Goal. It must pass entirely through from the front. 8rd. A point shall always be scored for the side whose goal the ball passes through, without regard to which team puts the ball through. 4th. The goals shall be 20 inches in width. 5th. The goal markers shall be 20 inches in height. 6th. The ball must pass beneath the line drawn across the top of the goal markers 7th. When the game is resumed after time has been called, the ball must be placed as in the beginning of the game. Umpire. Ist. There shall be three Umpires, one chosen by each team, and the thitd chosen by the other two. 2nd. The Umpire shall place the ball in the centre of the surface and station each team bebind it’s respective goal ; the players shall not be allowed to mount, until the order to “PLAY” is given by the Umpires. 3rd. The Umpires may call time, in case of an accident to a player or his bicy- cle, upon request only. ith. When a point is scored the Umpires shall call “goal” and the players must immediately dismount 5th, The Umpires may allow such rests as they think proper, between points. 6th. The Umpires shall decide upon all points herein overlooked, according to their best judgement in the matter Rules of Play. Ist. The bicycle only must be used in propelling the Ball. 2nd. The player must be upon his machine when he strikes the ball, either in the Saddle or upon the step or frame 3rd. A player shall not obstruct the entrance to a goal, while off his machine. 4th. A ball which is propelled before an accident toa player or his machine, is a fair ball, but if struck after such player is disabled and is unable to defend his goal, it is a foul ball. 5th. Any material departure from the above rules, shall be considered a foul, if so claimed by the opposite team, and upon the three “fouls”, the Umpires shall declare the game in favor of the team claiming the fouls, by a score of 5-0. Care of the American Star. The Star machine is one of the most simple in mechanism of any made, and has as few parts as any, though to those not acquainted with the machine it has The only things that require any par- If the the appearance of being more complex. ticular attention are oiling the bearings, and keeping ratchets clean. following instructions are followed carefully there can be no trouble: Keep bearings all well oiled a little and often, every two or three days at least, and if touring each day ; use good oil only. The ratchets are liable to become gummed up with oil and grit that works in and should be cleaned occasionally, but we do not advise bothering with them until they refuse to work properly. To clean the ratchets, having stood the machine upside down, first unhook the the hooks; allow the boxes to spring back slowly till com- (24) straps and remove nn be le pletely unwound; then unscrew the outside nuts and spring the frame off the ends of the axle ; pull the ratchet boxes off and wipe them out; the pawls should be well wiped out with a cloth wet with turpentine or kerosene, and thoroughly dried. If necessary to get at the end of a spoke or to repair the pawl cage, the Jatter can be screwed off the hub very easily with a large wrench. To replace, see that the pawls on each side are in place, all pointing one way, and each with the longest face outward, then put the proper box carefully over each, and replacing the wheel in the frame wind up the springs, turning the boxes with the wheel till the right tension is attained, and attach the straps to the levers. The tension of the spring and position of the box may be altered without taking off the boxes, by means of the new style collet, which allows of the spring being backed without injury. To illustrate adjusting a spring: ifthe lever does not come up readily, take out the hook, allow the spring to unwind slowly, and then turn the box back till a If insufficient tension is ac- decided click is heard, wind again and attach hook quired, the operation may be repeated ad libitum. Our illustrations and description (see page 7) will give an idea of the interior of the driving boxes. Lt is best to clean and replace one side at a time, but if the pawls and ratchets become mixed, place the pawl and ratchet together in which the teeth and pawls (the latter with flat side outward) point the same way when looked at from the exposed side. The pair which points in the direction of the sun’s travel will be the left. The spring should always coil in the opposite direction, and wind from the outer end with the wheel, i. ¢. forward. An occasional examination and trial of the various parts of the machine, with care to keep all nuts, bolts, and screws in their places and tight, will keep the machine in shape, so that it will not rattle. An unnecessary working of parts in a machine tends to wenken it, and causes it to wear out more quickly, and care used in preventing small beginnings will be repnid by the superior durability of the machine in the long run A good tip to the Star rider, and one which will be specially useful when any cleaning or repairing isin hand, is “reversing the machine.” This is done by resting on the two handles and the end of the saddle standing it on its head, spring. Care of the Special and Semi-Racer Stars, Our New Model is intended to be as simple as is possible to make a machine, and with a fair amount of care and adjusting will run silently and well. Oiling is one of the first and most frequent requirements of a bicycle. In ap- Is plying oil it should be borne in mind that “little and often” is the better rule ss | If too much oil is put into the bearings the superfluous quantity instantly seeks , à | an outlet and soon makes its appearance outside to the attraction of dust and Le | detriment of the rider’s clothes. Too much of course is better than too little, but = | just enough is the best. In oiling a Star it will be found better to drop the lubri- ay | cant into the oil-hole from a slight elevation and allow each drop to enter before | applying the next; in this way the air is allowed to escape and the oil reaches the bearing properly. | re The main points to be oiled are as follows: The driving wheel between the (25) | Sane i ee ‘ ers End | hubs; this oils everything in this part complete, no further attention of this kinc being necessary as regards ratchets and springs on both sides. tee The small wheel, two levers, connections of front bar, top anc ia NS aad of spring at each end and of the brake, comprise the additions je ‘ zow the methods for so doing. all wheel should be adjusted by m ‘ e wheel requiring no adjusting. coned bolts. Screw up ans of nuts on either oiled, and an examination will st Regarding adjustment ; the sm milled collar at the side of the bearing, the larg Wear on the levers is compensated for by means of the the bolt from the outer end, afterward locking same by me jeans of the i y ld be attended to 5 2 sti n front bar rattle at all, they shoulc atte d Should the connections 0 SAR ere el i i >, New washers may be had a ‘ mmo it secures the upper bearing The handle-bar should be kept driven home, as and will allow it to come loose in turn. Keep side nuts secure and lever springs properly S 15 Lo) g under “care of American Star”) ‚g care not to get adjusted as to tension. (See description of how to adjust Sprin Adjust spokes by means of agr A i is w y the wheel out of trne them too tight, as this would draw ; ae = Care should be taken to have the bolt and’ nuts throughout the machine ee 20 70 ac y e fectly tight, all parts nicely adjusted, and the saddle set well bac k over th aes SB ; bservin these e will give satisfaction where shee sy observing nie Eet in If it is allowed to become loose and rattle, the rider will ling, but he will annoy his companions. and marks the ip as ordinarily used, takir directions the machin otherwise it would not. not only obtain less satisfaction in rit mms A carelessly kept machine is as ill-looking as a slovenly dress, rider equally with the wearer . are Directions for Learning to Ride and Useful Hints to Rider Star bicycle, it is important that moderation be used 1 as it increases the difficulty of him more rapidly than in learning In learning to ride the that the learner ghould not become fatigued, Short practices and short rests, will advance >arning. ! , ‘i Ee : will derive an enjoyment even persistent efforts misapplied, and he y ing thi ethod ‘ DV PANDLING THE MACHINE.—A beginner should watch other Ee } id k | i ‚ parts of the bicycle and the movements of the rider een ae is: De ‘observation. He should then take a t somewhat accustomed to the different lers, and until he has become somewhat familiar machine and handle it. Roll it about to ge vements ‚ “ ee n Hite roll the machine, stand on the left side, take the handle with the Sea me , : : : lace the right hand on the spring behind the saddle, or on the saddle, a piac ush with the right hand. +. j LEARNING TO RIDE _The learner should select as large and s ae Pee f En Jas possible for the first attempts. In the absence of an instruc ke ere procure the assistance ofa friend who will help him hol 1d smooth a plat would suggest that he ! the machine and assist him in getting on. LEARNING TO FALI He should learn to fall before attempting to ride EARNING LL machine, his assistant must stand on the right hand side and ‘the steering shaft with his right hand and the back his left. The learner must take hold of botli In getting on the i hold it upright by grasping bh à fthe saddle spring with sun ae ‘isa (if the bicycle is too high the right hand can rest on the saddle), stant 1andles, (26) menemen ir man close beside the machine, place the left foot on the step, lean the machine slight- ly to the right and with the right leg spring up on to the step; swing the right leg around the back end of the saddle spring, drop the foot on the pedal and | press it down when taking the saddle; this will start the machine. When well | seated take the left foot off the step and put it on the pedal. The assistant must | let go of the machine with his left hand as the learner swings his leg around the | saddle soring, and after he is mounted the assistant must change to the left side, | taking hold of the back end of the saddle spring with his right hand. After the | learner has got the machine in motion by working his feet alternately on the treadles, his assistant must let go, and if the machine falls to the left the learn- er must throw his right foot around in front of the steering shaft, retaining hold of the handles with both hands, and he will alight on both feet, sustaining very little jar and saving the machine. Should the machine fall to the right, then of course the left foot should pass around in front of the steering shaft, and not over the handles. He should not jump, but wait for the machine to fall, and neither he nor the machine will sustain any injury. After he has practiced these falls or dismounts a few times so as to be able to use them when desired, then he must learn the back dismount by sitting well back on the saddle, taking his feet off the treadles and pulling up on the handles—the little wheel will rise and he will land on his feet, holding the machine in a vertical position before him. LEARNING TO BALANCE—First Ride—The learner must not attempt to mount alone, but let his friend assist him as before, and when well seated the assistant must take hold of the end ofthe saddle spring behind and assist in holding the bicycle in a perpendicular position, walking by the side of the ma chine while the learner is propelling it by working his feet alternately on the treadles. The more speed attained the easier it is to retain a balance. The rider must sit erect, and guard against swaying his body from side to side as he alternates his fect to propel the machine. He will notice a decided tendency in the machine to fall to one side. When this occurs he must turn the small wheel in the direction it is falling and it will immediately recover. Herein lies the chief point in the art of riding the bicycle, and the learner should thoroughly impress iton his mind. Particular care should be taken to turn the wheel gently, as at this stage a sudden movement, such as turning the wheel too much or lifting it from the ground, may cause an impromptu dismount. As the learner becomes more proficient, he will be able to maintain his balance by inclining the body, or pressing on the pedal opposite the side he feels the tendency to fall or by lifting on the handles, all of which should be done with care. While thus learn- ing to preserve his equilibrium, the learner may frequently lose his balance, and when this oceurs he will come down as he has previously learned. After he has practiced the right and left curves, and can retain his position in the saddle with some confidence, he is ready for the mount. LEARNING TO MOUNT.—When learning to mount, a smooth place should be selected ; one with aslight descent is best. The learner must take the ma- chine by the handles, (if too high the right hand can rest on the saddle), place his left foot on the step and give the machine a little momentum by hopping with the right foot, and as he is about to spring up on the step he must lean the machine slightly from him, and when on the step, balance by turning the small wheel in the direction the machine is falling. When the machine is well bal anced he should swing his right leg around the back end of the spring, put his | foot on the pedal and press down as he sits on the saddle, It will be best for (27) 09 cm ene at +e the machine, until the site side of ase it is thrown to 8 assistant stand on the oppo been made a few times, to catch the machine ine If he should fall to the right before properly seater 1if to the left he can easily alight on his feet. The machine is als will suffice to pring the Star under control If e ordinary bicycle he must get out of the handle-bar when going into holes throw his weight for- much as he jim to have hi mount has t 1 his assistant will the right. catch him, ant ted and a few tris readily moun to riding th the learner has been used back and pulling up on the a steep incline lift on the handle-bar as Phe hands should rest to guide the Star. The {too quick—a notion of leaning and ditches When running UP £ In climbing hills the rider can ight forward on takes buta slight effort the small wheel too much, am 1 of the wheel will right the machine when it is falling to one side 1d circles the rider should incline his body in the direc- sneral thing & learner will lean his body away from 1 this will throw the machine towards them mistake of trying to ride on rough roads too jl enough t ‚ overcome the inequalities learner ought to be able to I that he has thorough con- he must ward pleases, throwing his we lightly on the handles for it of a learner is to turn the pedals tendency slight turt | When turning curves af | tion of the curve. AS 288 \ objects he wishes to shun, ant ‚t to make the learned to ride we Jif possible, and the certainty, and fe e in difficult places the pedals, pointing ta fall stroke. A full, steady stroke quick m ‚vement of the feet step, the rider must take Idle until it rests ‘k around the Jeginners are AT | soon before they have | be avoide This course ghould ious dismounts with trying to rid | make the var | trol of the machine before He should keep the soles of his feet on | when the pedals are down, in order to fe rider more grace than & short, TO DISMOUNT. “To dismount by the vedal and put it down plumb under the sa n his left foot and awing his right leg bac machine, standing in the same position dismount and may be a high rate of the toes down | will give the | LEARNING | his left foot from the I sen rise up 0 down beside the This is the easiest the machine ig running ¢ | on the step, tÌ | saddle apring and step ¢ | as when about to mount. | ashort time 8° it can be done when | speed: | A pedal dismount can be made from either aide. There ‚laces, such aa steep inclines, deep sand, bad holes and deep ditches, when the pedal dismount 1 save a side fall; as it will often happen when riding 1” the 1s, that the rider will not have time to make the step acquired in are | | ean be made ant dark or over rough ro the rider will stop pedal- r wheelmen, OF in the brake dismount. USE OF BRAKE the brake teams and r at any time. an by back pedaling and use all bicycles for coasting, am à coast any hill tha ‚ the pedals, or take them » of course e order with othe his fingers on ed with the brake quicker Wishing to “slow up, When riding in clos | ing and use ad à ‚e shoul keep | | cities among | ready to apply it | than an ordinary © The Star leads nount of care, 4 Ì the rider can the foot re much of the jar Int If coasting very steep and danger- fast that a dismoun ig, the foot on the ste edestrians, The Star can be stopp of the brake too. 1 with very little | t is ridable with a car- ractice and & proper arr yeginner can When coasting, | riage | from the pedals and rest them on | going over an obstacle, and thus avoid can change his position as often as he wishes ) ous hills, it is best not to let the machine run 80 ‚ case of an emergency: By keepir at any moment. ridden down rough hil rest his feet or sin this way he cat his way also, he ‚rise up when t cannot be p the rider easily made it for a dismount ling the Star can be 18 and into holes, with- can be ready | Notwithstan? ate LA ee ( 28) rough hills. of the grand secrets « ing. 1e grand § ets of hill climl B: much easier after confidence is gained € a, of the outside foot ur i ider all circumstances (29) out injury to tl : ; 9 16 rider, iti it puts a CST RAS MOTS bad i a great strain on th : practice to do it 1e machine at a high rate of s : speed, for Ifriding sane er r St sit W ) ) es, 6, 80 3 sr whe £ an | er must sit well back on th 1d 1 lt 1 t saddle, the aall whee will be relieved as h weigl us possible ; in this Way he can ride thr hh à le tl LA very dee ie p sand or nm a nud. The meat straight course to acco : machine must be kept { mplish the best results i pt under control and run i n sand ridi nina ing. The knack of hill « ibing is acquired only by constant practice 8 bes climb a hill sl The ri Fr should take ite as y and use his strengt o ad- slowly. T 1 ee vantage. When climt à uw] ice. Iti t to 5, C eel ¢ 8 8 \ ee hi ngth to ad 10 € eep e wer on the wl l nst r he st keep the fu t f y Whe n one lever i : r is going dow another hold just bef g down he must raise the ore the lever on the o} it other foot quickly and »posite side i y and get is down driver ir 1 the most mars y advantage V0 This bri work than cannot be avoi tol ous position. The small a the weight on the voided possi small wheel ssibly el should do à no more run into a hole Dole and eee ee weight on the upper p: Practice riding ain »ody clear of the saddle; M ss erence ore oF eN Ponds whenever St prevent plunging. ment, et oa ing the rider a perfect oF a is extremely easy to getting the weight as e of wide, smooth road, dow1 bil it ee ne iat ces dE ioe: as possible on ine en Ree hands, keeping them En seems to be going ae yr es s ) ase the balance is lost. en ene de 8 alance is retained )y varying the pressure on the pe s,and c ers y beturned with ease ig th } sure 0 bet 1 1e | Jals, and corn ma h Polo non -playing is s : : 3 plendid practic the machine. The secret En e, and will add largely t ; zi ; acret of succ 5 y to ider’: vheel at the time the stroke i uccess in polo on the Sta De poeusieoniroliog ; spn i £ ke is give Thiet Sar ai »pposite to the side witl , given. This is nided aya relay) the iamall posite to the side with which tho ball isto 1 oo by a pressure on the pedal En ding small ci 3 f je struck eda inside lev circle! y ; iside lever depressed to full cles is very useful. In describi | à ser se 5 Re ibing them, keep the Ve rec É amely small circ CHE 4 iis commend Sin rent circles con be made wit! id by means using it generally, begetti nanipulating the machir Wehe venprecties. ; getting confidence and a kr a de it assists the rider 1owledge of i its mover nents 8 better to dismount and walk dow It t t 1 n Herein lies one Place the s: À a saddle well I just. clears ene jack, getting it i the back of spindle of the ei place, so that the centre of tl re wheel, » 16 seat In bad going ruts cc, do not try to steer too much by the handle-bar ; culti- g gr & , ‚dor vate the fa y Managing the chine 16 balance, and it wi > found sing I te tl y 1 In night-ridi tht-riding sit fai whee = airly RN : wheel as possible. Do not upright, putting the weight as it must be ready to rig put more weight than possit ee much on the large J a er ile 5 aq easily when any small obsta I ee the small wheel acle is met. St , . Should you —— ate 1 Cementing Tires. The following conditions are essential to the successful cementing of tires : 1. The felloe and tire should be free from oil or dust before the cement is applied. > ‘The portions of rim and tire to be cemented must be thoroughly heated to insure perfect adhesion 3. ‘The tire must be laid evenly in the felloe, as, if itshould be drawn tight at one portion and left full at another, it would be apt to loosen at the part * where the fullness occured {. The cement must become thoroughly hard before the wheel is used Directions. Wipe off the dirt with a dry cloth and then carefully wash the surface to be cemented with benzine: add to the cement already in the felloe, if necessary, by breaking off small pieces from the cake and putting in place; then melt” by passing a hot iron along the groove or by holding a spirit lamp under the felloe, moving the flame from side to side and being carefull not to burn the tire, or by passing the Automatic Torch under the felloe. When the cement is melted, see that it is evenly distributed, and then place the tire in the felloe and be careful to get it even. This done, continue heating the felloe with the lamp until the tire feels quite hot; scrape off the superflous cement which has oozed out at the sides and let the machine stand for several hours until the cement becomes thoroughly hard 10 CEMENT A WHOLE TIRE—P lace tire on wheel with side to be out; sear it slightly all around with a hot iron, in order that emented turnec the cement may stick to the rubber ; remove tire, pour melted cement into the felloe and distribute it evenly ; replace tire and heat the felloe underneath as before described ; let stand 12 hours, We would recommend the Automatic Torch for heating to all who have much of this kind of work to do ee The Automatic Torch. For cementing tires. It will do the work in one-tenth the usual time by the Cost but 4 cent per hour to run it—cannot get out of order—per- Price $6.00 | old way | | fectly safe 30) Hill & Tolman Stop Bell. We confidently of i ( y offer this as PERF simplicity, ee à ECT STOP BELT It l oO agg ra ; ae ightness, freedom from possibility of rattle, its appearance on the machi ' achine, the ease, conveni and certainty : 7 4 Pe ee e er of stopping, its out-of-the-wayness when not wante f i ye £ i : d, and above all its remarkable sensitiveness and will satisfy all wl i BO" t § £ 10 try i our claim. Price, $1.25 Tail bea re loud ringing, —— > The Automatic Alarm, Is too well known to need a description ai . The ke : : suitable for the Special anc e makers are getting out a pattern 1 Semi-Racer S : : à g r Star , ri in-the Spring. Price, $3.00. aia ced tee ready for the market —- > - — Perfection Alarm, FRONT ACK he construction of this excellent alarm enables the letting go the handle rider to ring it without The spring to ri : x § ring the alarm is c j and x f 8 contained withi r te wound up by a button on outside of same. The alarm i Kebe Slight pressure aft a ; n 18 sounde y ae iB ire on the projecting lever, a simple alarm, a success; ded by a continuous alarm at pleasure, Price, $2.50 Postes 20 ssion of strokes or , $2.50. , 20 cents. —- > + Harts Standard Bells, No. 3.—Front No. 3.—I No, 3.—Back. These bells are the i 8 168€ be lls are the most substantial of the various bell offere 1 to f Te (31) cyclists, 4 “t+ “te They > ached to the ring well, and are the neatest low-price bells made. They are attached tc handle-bar or brake in such a manner that the gong cannot jar loose en 3. Small Size, Closed Base, Swing Clapper, Le “4. Medium Size Open Base, Swing Clapper, Se yy | The Paradox Oil Can. | le This can will be found to be a great convenience The inconvenience of dropping the to wheelmen 1 B apne, Eat usual spout tip, or of mislaying itis too familiar a to need explanation. Sent post-paid on subject 2 Nickeled, 25 cts.: Gilt, receipt of price 30 cts 3undle Carrier. The cut shows it as fastened to the ordi- ready to receive the { icycle, opened, i vary bicy I ie carried. For the STAR it not in the with this xreel to be fastened on the front rod ; it is riding or coasting ; carry a gun, fishing-rod, or : $2.00 Postage 10 viv while rrier one can touring outfit. Price, cents The Star Lamp. This Lamp has been improved in all essential points. It will stand a strong without flickering, rough With improved machinery ind roads win as well we are enabled to give a much better lamp at a lower figure than heretofore Use afresh wick every week; keep it turn flame as high as well trimmed ; burn the best sig- the lamp will bear; Ì Much trouble comes from the nal oil N poor oil anda foul wick; clean your | lamp often. | $5.00 Price, Japanned, . . a | se Nickeled, . 0 i 8.00 | J Brass, “ee The New McDonnell Cyclometer. Iinproved The McDonnell Cyclometer has now been | on the market for five years, and each sen- son has given better and better satisfaction. For the season of 1886 radical changes à will be observed, and we now present the De 28 go ip et 05 NY, Ss instrument in its improved form. What- ever objectionable features were in the old style have been entirely removed in the present instrument | It is attached to the spoke by an im- | proved clamp, and takes up less room in the | wheel than any other pattern. The read- ing of the dial is as simple asa book, and | its internal construction such as to reduce the possibility of accidental injury to the minimum. There are no springs whatever in the instrument, and all the movements are Oee, | Che instrument is lj inches in diameter and % ofan inch thick, and weighs only 2} ounces | It is entirely out of the way of. a hub lamp. Tt is dust and water tight, and the liability to get out of order is very small We warrant every Instrument to keep correct and accurate measurement of the distance traveled, and will at any time repair any imperfect instrument free of charge. But we will not be responsible for the accuracy of instruments that have been opened or tampered with after they leave our hands. Such instru- ments we can repair and put in perfect order at a cost of from 75c. to $1.00 Directions for Using. Attach the instrument to one of the right hand spokes, and facing the left (or inside of wheel) as near down to the hub as possible, and in such manner that its line of verticality will be parallel to its plane or rotation, or in other words, 80 it will not “wabble.” The three f figures in the center of the dial give the num- ber of miles traveled, and should be read i in the ordinary way, from left to right. The right hand figure comes up, first, for example, after riding six milés the figures wouk l read 0 0-6. After riding fifteen miles they would read 0-1-5. After riding 125 miles they would read 1-2-5, and go on up to 999 miles. The bial figures around the dial represent hundreths of miles. (This isthe |. only Cyclometer on which the distance can be calculated so c losely.) The small hand makes one complete revolution of the dial for each mile traveled, and the figures to which the hand at any time points show the fraction of a mile traveled, over the units indicated by the central figures as explained above. As an illus- tration the cut of the instrument given herewith, shows it as indicating 952.35 miles, or a shade over 9524 miles Each Instrument nickel plated and polished. | Price, post-paid, - - - - $5.00. | (33) | = ir + The Butcher Cyclometer. It can be readas you ride, It reg- isters by a positive action, and is therefore entirely reliable. It can be used with a lamp by remov- i the counterpoise and inserting ing rting an attachment for the lamp which is furnished with the Every instrument warrented correct Cyclometer $10.00. ize of wheel. Price, $ Weight 18 ounces. In ordering, state si7 f wh eig { 8 The Star Touring Bags, ed \ D AR \) lunch, ete., when ae EE ape writing materials, handy and useful to carry books, pal oh aie ir 3 r fu riding a ing the wheel for business, or for h wee oe aves laced behind the sac | ET ain g or while in the 8% »cessary for | clothing, tools, etc., nece ary € cut), it does not inter an extended tour ing, dismountin : f with the rider, either in mounting, di se oe , a » pe Price, Canvas, 9x9x3 inches, pe | | 3.00 “ Leather, 9x6x3 Re « « 9x9x3 “ i y à ‘on- i » road or when it may be inc i arily while on the roac ns : +) sten tires temporart ® eat ie Roe El 7 ave them cemented by heat. Coming in sma a ees ch in, z in the tool-bag, and every rider should carry : a up but little spac ’rice, 25 cents. rice, 20 Ce € I (34) oe ee a Ie pe gr gi mc er ate Te ER vre ed Tool Bag. Nicely made and convenient Price, $1.75 The Star Step. It will fit any Star. It weighs but five ounces. It enables learners to master the mount readily, Price, $1.00. They absorb all jar, Being clamped to the fl Will fasten to the Cradle Spring, and by an ing cut) the horn of the saddle ri It is made somewhat afte at spring, enious clamp ‘an be raised or lowered r the Arab Cradle Spring noue of the side swing which ordinary saddle will be rider, ‘ny ordinary saddle (not shown in the to suit individual riders. ; Superior to it, in that it has Is 80 objectionable, By using this spring any found most comfortable, In ordering send weight of Price, Plain, 3.5 “| Nickeled, en Price List of Sundries, | Anti Rust per Bottle, 8 8 ; .25 Bag for Tools, ; $1 50 | ica Touring, Canvas, 4 00 Mees Le Leather, small, 5 00 | fe large, 6 00 | es ? te ; = ———— TTT \ € , Bell, Hill & Tolman, Automatic, Te Testimonials. 2 aS a A : ‘“ Harts Standard Rp 1 25 | \ : WesrerLy, R. 1, Feb. 8, 1886. ” Perfection Automatic, : : a Heb, ARTE RA Geen a bicycle rider since the Spring of 1880, using the Cement for holding tires in rims, 25cts per quarter Ib, per Ib ; ns gentlemen my professional work. Until near the close of 1881 I rode a “Mending cut Tires, per bottle, 25 aha ij k machine but not liking the occasional “headers”, which much Cyclometer, New McDonell, 5 00 TES Hid not altogether prevent on our rough roads, I ordered of you a CRE Rt, Butchers, 10 00 a Ni from the day of its coming until now I have never ridden any other Enamel, per bottle, 50 EE bi vcle and have never ceased to be thankful that I made the change. Handy Hooks, per pair, ne piyleie F ee 1883 (from April 15th, when I began to keep a record of the dis- Hose, L. A. W,, extra heavy, por pair, (any color) 1 25 ay IL RES 1683.28 miles, for 1884, 1905.24 miles ; for 1885, 2800.33 miles, ; Lanterns, Nickeled on Brass, 8 00 | et tor 1886, is 123 70 miles, making a total of 6512.55. The last 2452.25 4 : pui 6 50 h ant ‘ aes been traveled with the silent, 48-inch, Special Star received from you Japanned “ “ 5 00 # Rn: h iddle of last March. This machine, except one day last June when Lock and Chain, Te # aban t ae ee ee Hen 1 daily ‘use til stopped by snow last month. It has been Luggage Carrier, 2 00 a Ê waa whe sobble-stone pavements and all sorts of rough country roads and Oil for Lubricating, pint cans, 50cts., qt. cans, i 75 a driven. son 4 ts, and has stood the test of such various demands admirably. Oil Can for Pocket, Common, 15cts. Paradox, Nickeled, 25 aes Te t only lighter but much stiffer than the old one, and the new Polishing Paste for Cleaning Nickel, ena i a The frame . LE the silent clutch are also great improvements. Rubber Handles, soft, per pair, 2 00 ile eR Eee rience, which has been confirmed by that of patients for whom 5 À Star Riders Manual, : ' 3 50 | Myn ET tho judicious use of the wheel asa remedy, has made me an Saddle, Improved Kelley, Enameled, $4.00, Nickeled, | 5 00 À have peer Eo of bicycle riding as a means of healthful exercise, In fact “Common Suspension, aie 4 Pate: UE of exercise which is at once so varied and so exhilarating _ “ _ Corson’s, Enameled, $3.50., Nickeled, . 1 50 | Tap b ta runduly fatiguing or likely to overatrain or injure any part, espoe- pa for Btar, . . 1 00 : witbol, dl jes the “Star”, and I believe that if bicycles and tricycles were Torch, Automatic for heating rims to Cement, 6 00 3 dave it used, and hed regularly and judiciously, there would be far less Tire Tape, per package, : 25 E more oes ial mation sick headache, neuralgia, general indisposition, &c,, &e., Tourist’s Delight, (Corson’s Filterer) À 50 Ee SOD ala Ee now, 5 common. Very truly yours, Vulcanite Handles, small, 50cts each ; large, each, 75 af Which tron ee J, Howarp Moraan, M. D. Wrenches, Billings & S vencer, Plain, 75cts., Nickelec =. Broke, Nickeled, ps ; zs Rosavizx, Ind,, June 25, 1880. Whistle, Duplex, with Chain, 7h . Satu Macaine Co. : ; en a i ER :—I am always glad to hear of the success of the Bee aie can ‘ , } there has been but one crank wheel udded to the list, sé on LE d prefer Testimonials, : against seven Stars as you know. I use my wheel daily in ekeren ine KENDALL GREEN, Washington, D. C., Feb. 9, 1886 E it to my horse and buggy In dry weather. va oa A ns is a sure cure for H. B. Surrm Macutne Co. . { ; | with more pleasure and feel better all Be ane 1 Bee ras OO RU Dear Sirs:—My new hollow-frame 48 came a few days ago. Iam thoroughly biliousness and the blues. I think the ERMEE ed still a Star advocate and pleased with its appearance—its lines “fill my eye” better than those of any | write you this letter simply to BEENS, 3 ior machine. Wishing you “Star” I have yet seen. After looking it over critically I c 1 i Y | lw will be until some one brings forward a super de ) ; g cally [could find nothing to always 1 I am yours truly, criticize ; the workmanship seems careful and exact, the enamelling excellent | à great success for the Star, re Dr, C.H. PARSONS. and the gain of 10 or 12 Ibs. in lightness over my old 51 makes it very much Ë easier pang es the low, dropped bar, with handles falling a couple of inches | i Newrort, R. I., May 2nd, 1885. A in rear of head will give a good “holt” on sand and hills i a 5 g Co. All this can be (and much more tothe same purpose might be) said after (EE B, EME CS ee ie my Star. over 500 miles on rough roads, most of merely looking over the machine, for I have not had a chance to ride at all E eee night without a lamp, and, weighing as Ido about 200 pounds : since itcame. During the coming season, however, it will get a thorough test- } ne Me a it avery severe test, but have ney griproken ao ad nee atl ing, a8 I expect to ride ita good deal in three States, and somewhat in four H have given oe athe the machine or falls: *I have ridden up all the hills tha others. If it does not win admirers, friends and converts wherever it goes, the Hi Oan, Hate nd some of them have been steep and long. ‘ 8 fault will not be in the machine Yours truly, ; Beye soe suas Yours truly, EE Pror. A. G. Draper. Et } (37) | (36) ; MP ART eos sa FLE

Star Bicycles, H.B. Smith Machine Co. (USA) Katalog (Kopie) 1886

Star Bicycles
Gerd Böttcher
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